Two Thought-Provoking Approaches to Training

by Renae Anderson

The first way is sticking to structure. For most of my ski career, I’ve had very structured training – building volume for 3 weeks, then a recovery week, with every Monday an off day. Intervals 2x a week, speeds 1x a week, and strength 2x. I tried to always wear a heart rate monitor, and decide my pace based on the data. This way is a great way to establish routine, and to take mental breaks every week. I recommend it for anyone who thrives on structure.

The other way, which I have slowly moved toward throughout my career, is listening to my body and what it can tell me. This means more training by feel, doing an amount of volume that makes sense on any given day instead of following the plan to T, and pushing harder when I realize I am feeling good. Maybe I take a day easier than planned if I feel worn down, and push harder if not. This way feels very freeing and can feel good to be in touch with your body. It may take time to develop this feel. It’s still important to get the training in, but it is more adaptable.

I hope this is thought provoking for what your style is – maybe you could experiment with one or the other if you feel like it!

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